CFA's largest team exercise challenge

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The CFA Team Exercise Challenge recently returned for the fourth time, and proved to be the biggest challenge yet. An impressive 72 teams with a total of 338 members competed to accumulate the greatest number of steps over a six-week period.


The challenge was intended to motivate individuals and teams to improve their physical activity habits while also maintaining their social connections with colleagues and fellow brigade members.

The challenge was a great success with 94 per cent of survey respondents indicating that they saw an increase in the amount of exercise they completed compared with before the challenge and all felt that the exercise challenges should continue. 

Baxter Fire Brigade member and CFA Team Exercise Challenge team leader Courtney felt that the challenge was beneficial, as COVID-19 lockdowns meant brigade members had missed interacting with one another.

“I was amazed that we were able to make four teams in our brigade. The majority of our brigade management team joined in, a good portion of our support group and several new recruits as well as our operational members – a brilliant display of our inclusive brigade,” Courtney said.

“Several people told me how thankful they were for this challenge. It gave them a reason to get out there and hit the pavement during these tedious lockdowns. We have seen new connections made through this challenge as members came together to get out for a walk to motivate each other to reach their goals.”

Toolangi Fire Brigade Captain Dawn agreed that the challenge was beneficial in bringing the brigade together, with the challenge “fun to be part of, in an environment where our lives are so separate at present.

"Our three teams have enjoyed a healthy level of competition, with a side of humour to boot," Dawn said.

Brigade Administrative Support Officer, Shannon found the challenge extremely motivating for her goal of returning to running.

“In the week leading up to the challenge I started using the couch to 10km app and set my goal of being able to run 5km by the end of the challenge and 10km by Christmas," Shannon said.

"On the Saturday morning of week three (AFL Grand Final Day) I decided I would just have a go at running as far as I could, and I did it – I made it 5km!”

Shannon ran 5km a further three times and managed 7km by the end of the challenge.

Members of the top three teams will all receive Rebel Sport vouchers as prizes, and all participants received a Health Services sports towel for joining in.

Stay tuned for more challenges next year and visit the CFA Team Exercise Challenges page on the intranet or email for more information. 


Submitted by Daniel Keary