A life saved in Rowville

At around 9pm on 15 May, Julie, a Rowville resident, discovered her husband Andrew unresponsive in bed.

She later found out he had had a heart attack.

She called Triple Zero (000) and the operator explained to Julie that she needed to move him to the floor and carry out CPR until the emergency services arrived.

“At all times the operator was clear and concise even when I was falling apart inside,” said Julie. “She kept me focused on what I had to do, and I thank her so much for this immediate intervention into my husband's treatment.”

Within minutes, Rowville Fire Brigade, trained in emergency medical response, and Ambulance Victoria arrived. Their training, persistence and care towards Andrew resulted in them restoring a heartbeat.

“The care shown to myself and my children during this terrifying time was a credit to each and every person that attended my home that night,” Julie continued. “They were absolutely sincere with every word they spoke to us all and kept us as informed as they could throughout the ordeal.”

Andrew was taken to Monash Hospital where he had surgery and spent four days in the intensive care unit.

Andrew is now at home recovering.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the amazing and brave people who were instrumental in saving my husband's life that evening. I will never forget what you have done for me.

“You saved a man's life. Never take that for granted as I know I will never take our emergency personnel for granted.”

Author: CFA News