All aboard for fire safety

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Staff and participants at All Aboard disABILITY Support Services in Torquay have learned how to deal with fires in the workplace thanks to CFA’s Industry Fire Prevention team.


Industry Fire Prevention Manager Leigh Marsh delivered the first-fire attack training this month to 14 people who were keen to get involved and learn more about fire safety.  

The training is something CFA delivers to industrial, business and residential care clients to provide understanding on managing small fires, with staff often the first to discover a fire and have to deal with the situation. 

Leigh and Chris

It covers fire safety and how to choose and how to use first attack firefighting equipment.    

“The training is an important and valuable part of the work we do to support and educate business and industry about fire safety and what to do in those first few minutes after a fire breaks out,” Leigh said.  

“It was wonderful to be able to get participants involved alongside the staff. They were excited to learn more about fire safety and how to put out different types of fires using the extinguishers.”     

Leigh in the classroom

CFA provides a range of commercial training services for industrial, business and residential care clients including First Attack Firefighting and Evacuation Preparedness, and also delivers tailor made courses to suit the needs of different workplaces and companies.   

For more information visit the CFA website 


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