Fire at Bacchus Marsh school

Just before 8pm last night (24th of September), Bacchus Marsh and Myrniong Brigades were paged to a reported Smoke in a Gym at the local Grammar School.

On arrival, the crew of Bacchus Marsh Pumper, with Lieutenant Clayden in charge, were met with a large gymnasium, with fire showing from an upper mezzanine area, and through the roof.

"Once we forced entry into the premises, we found a storeroom well alight, with fire travelling along the roof line," explains Lieutenant Ryan O'Shannessy.

With the size of the fire unknown, Ballarat City Ladder Platform were requested to gain access to the roof to inspect for any fire spread. And with the amount of Breathing Apparatus used during the firefight, Ballarat City's Protective Equipment Van was also responded to refill cylinders.

A very fast knockdown of the fire was achieved thanks to the quick actions of the initial firefighting team, stopping the spread of the fire into adjoining rooms upstairs and halting any further damage to the gym.

Appliances in attendance were;

Bacchus Marsh Pumper, Tanker 1, Tanker 2, Big Fill, FCV, Group FCV

Ballarat City Pumper 2, Protective Equipment Van, Ground Observer's Car, Ladder Platform

Myrniong Tanker 1

Parwan Tanker 1


With the cause of the fire unknown, a Fire Investigator was summoned, with investigations ongoing with CFA and Victoria Police.

The Incident Controller with Lt Phil Clayden from Bacchus Marsh Fire Brigade.

Pictures by Blair Dellemijn - CFA Photographer.

Author: Blair Dellemijn