Brother's Keepers social motorcycle club

The Brother's Keepers social motorcycle club is an all-firefighter (career, volunteer, active or retired) motorcycle club formed in the US about 13 years ago. About three years ago a group of CFA staff, volunteers and ex-CFA members who like to ride Harley Davidson and cruiser motorbikes started a chapter here in Victoria.

Starting out with only nine members, they now have around 55 members, associates and supporters in the Victorian chapter. They have also been successful in opening up chapters in NSW and Queensland and are currently looking at starting two more chapters in the near future. Brother's Keepers have about 27 chapters around the world.

Peter Collins, or Pedro, is the National Australian president and is a 34-year member in both the staff and volunteer ranks of CFA. His members have worked hard to establish a group reputation among emergency services around Australia and plan to have chapters in all states of Australia.

“Riding motorbikes is our outlet to the pressures of everyday life,” Pedro said. “Some would say it is our therapy to the pressures of the events we have encountered throughout the time we spend in the fire service.”

Brother’s Keepers support fundraising events such as the Pink Ribbon breast cancer fundraising ride, the Salvation Army Christmas Toy Run appeal, local community events and any charities that club members think are a worthwhile cause.

They ride in the Anzac parade alongside ex-servicemen and women and support any events run by the Vietnam veterans who also do charity work for the community.

“Our club charter is to support firefighters and their families in their time of need,” Pedro said. “We participate in any way we can, helping to renovate houses, spend time socialising with families, and even assisting at funerals. We provide an ongoing support for firefighters in need when they ask for help and we do our best to assist in any way we can. All this while trying to have fun and enjoy the open road.  

“We don’t seek out membership but let people come to us to join, as we are a tight-knit group of like-minded people who share a special bond outside the fire service of brother and sisterhood, hence our club motto ‘We are our brother’s keeper.”

For more information, go to the Brother's Keeper website at or contact the CFA Victoria Chapter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Author: Jane Fontana