Cardinia students involve the family in fire safety

Member News image Grade 3 and 4 students of Maranartha Christian College received ‘Leave Early’ Kits afters completing the program.


Families across Cardinia Shire are safer than ever after the local Grade 3 and 4 students completed fire safety assignments involving the whole family.


The project involves 27 schools across the shire and Maranartha Christian College in Officer is the first to complete the CFA program. To complete the assignment, students must have a working, tested smoke alarm and completed a home fire escape plan.

Cardinia Fire Brigades Group Community Safety Officer and Brigade Support Officer Lisa Hicks explained the importance of smoke detectors and home fire escape plans, a key component of this program she is leading.

“It’s astounding that more than 50 per cent of homes do not have a working smoke detector or home fire escape plan. Something so simple has proved to save lives,” Lisa said.

“It is my goal to get as many Grade 3 and 4 students to jump on board and accomplish such an easy task to save their lives and the lives of their families.

“I am passionate and excited about this project, and I know it will take some time, but I will continue until I have reached as many Grade 3s and 4s as possible.”

When a school has completed the assignment and the teachers have sighted and marked them off, the students receive an educational gift. This involves an exciting visit from the local brigade who will hand out their well-earned  ‘Leave Early’ backpack with pencil case, ruler, pencil and drink bottle.

“Congratulations to the Grade 3 and 4 students of Maranartha Christian College for the outstanding work and being the first across the line,” Lisa said.

“A special thank you to Grade 3 coordinator Astrid Ferguson for her infectious enthusiasm, and of course Officer Fire Brigade members who gave the students their rewards and let the children play with the truck.”

For those schools yet to jump on board please contact Lisa at


  • Member News imageOfficer Firefighters (L-R) Jonathan Ballard, Caleb Ratten, Roxy Thompson and Doru Babu.
  • Member News image Maranartha Christian College students enjoyed interacting with Officer Fire Brigade as part of the program completion.
Submitted by Olivia Duffey