CEO visits Maiden Gully

Last month, Maiden Gully hosted a visit by CEO Lucinda Nolan to an informal lunch that involved brigade members, their partners and children along with our Operations Manager Steve Smith.

The visit resulted from Lucinda’s request some months ago for input from Brigades on things we do well and things that can be improved. The day enabled members to discuss with Lucinda the issues that the Brigade faces in providing services to a fast growing community in a regional city.

Lucinda, assisted by OM Steve, also presented long service awards to John Ham (50 years), Bruce Trevena (45 years), Andrew Howlett (40 years), Gary Amos (25 Years), with 15 year medals going to Lyn Bunton, Glennys Dole, Sue Donnellan, Jennifer Mustey, Lyn Pearce, Owen Shay, Judy Trevena; a 10 year medal going to Darren Pierce and 5 year certificates going to Daryl Bunton, Glenn Cumming, Eain McRae & Steve Van Poppel. A total of 295 years of service!

The weather was brilliant and members enjoyed the opportunity to talk with the CEO on a broad range of issues. 


Andrew Howlett

Maiden Gully Secretary

Author: District 2 News