CFA building new fire station in Tarneit

Outer-west Melbourne residents will benefit from increased emergency incident protection, as CFA builds a new fire station in Tarneit, expected to be completed by the end of the year (2018).  


CFA Hoppers Crossing OIC (acting) Alex Batty with Member for Tarneit Telmo Languiller-Tornesi and CFA Project Manager Stephen Chomyn tour construction site for Tarneit Fire Station.

Member for Tarneit Telmo Languiller-Tornesi joined North West Region Assistant Chief Officer Gavin Thompson, Hoppers Crossing Officer in Charge (acting) Alex Batty, Hoppers Crossing First Lieutenant Paul DiMartino and CFA Project Manager Stephen Chomyn for a tour of the construction site to view progress of the build on Friday (May 15). 

Now under construction at Derrimut Road, the $5.4 million Tarneit Fire Station will have four engine bays and modern facilities for firefighters to protect life and property in the community.   

The new fire station is part of the Growth Programs, which is a government commitment CFA is delivering to improve service delivery at integrated fire stations through significant investment in hiring 350 new career firefighters over the last few years, with the final 50 recruited and trained by the end of the year (2018).

This growth is supported by creating and deploying 350 mixed-rank positions from the existing workforce, building new fire stations like Tarneit, renovating existing infrastructure and purchasing new fire trucks and equipment.

Hoppers Crossing Officer in Charge Lachlan Redman said Tarneit was one of Melbourne’s newest suburbs, with many homes and infrastructure built recently, so increasing service delivery in this area is a priority for CFA.

“The population in Tarneit has grown to more than 34,000 since it became a drawcard for residential development in the late 90s,” Mr Redman said.

“With more new housing developments, shopping centres and a new train station up and running, the likelihood of more complex emergency incidents increases. 

“Building a new fire station in Tarneit will benefit both the local community and broader outer-western suburbs within the City of Wyndham including Werribee, Hoppers Crossing and Truganina by enabling CFA’s career firefighters to respond to incidents and support volunteers around the clock, in protecting lives and property.

“Firefighters will have access to modern facilities and the latest emergency management equipment including a heavy pumper, a tanker and LPG flare-off vehicle, alongside trained personnel and equipment to respond to Emergency Medical Response (EMR) incidents.”  

So far, builders have constructed the frame of the ground floor and engine bays.

Author: Brienna Snare