CFA logo plates out of stock

Last week Volunteerism launched an initiative to supply brigades with CFA logo plates to be displayed on the signs at the entry to suburbs, townships and cities. Due to the limited stock and an overwhelming initial responce, we regret to advise all stock has been allocated and any orders received after Thursday, 24 September 2015 are unable to be filled in this round.

Volunteerism will add any further requests to a waiting list and if there is sufficient interest to meet a minimum order quantity an additional run might be organised. 

Brigades that have submitted interest in these plates and have been unsuccessful in this first run, will be given priority should there be any subsequent orders.

We thank all our brigades and members for their interest in this initiative and will keep you informed should we order more.  It is wonderful to see the commitment of brigades to increase exposure of the CFA brand.


Story by Anne Colling

Author: CFA Partnerships and Marketing