CFA member awarded life membership for 60 years of service

Member News image Edithvale Captain Sean McGuckin and CFA member Phil Jones, photo by Uniform Photography


A CFA veteran has been awarded life membership for his 60 years of service and dedication.


On Saturday 22 June, Commander Brad Fogden and Edithvale Captain Sean McGuckin honoured Phil Jones with his life membership medal at the brigade’s annual dinner. 

For context, 60 years ago Beatle-mania was overtaking the world, the Civil Rights Act ended racial segregation in the United States, Australia moved to a dollar and cents currency, and Tokyo hosted the Summer Olympics. 

Phil said he joined CFA in late 1963 due to his brother, who was a member, dragging him up there. 

“Now I have a lot of extended family who are involved in some way or another. A couple of the younger family members now too which is good, keeping it going,” Phil said. 

On awarding Phil his life membership, Commander Fogden said it’s not often he has been able to present a 60-year medal to such an active member. 

Edithvale Captain Sean McGuckin echoed those sentiments stating that Phil has been one of the driving forces behind the brigade’s contribution to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, recently accepting an award on the brigade’s behalf for 70 years of support. 

Phil is still an enthusiastic contributor to the brigade and attends weekly to assist with duties and represent the brigade at functions and events. 

“I do a lot of the smaller stuff around the brigade now. Washing the windows, doing the gardening, fundraising,” Phil said.  

“We have a remembrance garden out the back for some of the old members who have passed away, so I take care of them. But I like to keep busy. I am here most days, and I think keeping physically active every day, whether doing this at the brigade, or golf and walking is what is keeping me healthy.” 

Phil’s significance to his local brigade has even been recognised with a brigade award commissioned in his honour – ‘The Phil Jones Award.’  

The award is presented to CFA members who display protracted, diligent and exemplary service/effort to the brigade over a sustained period.  

This effort would be considered over and above what might be expected of a member during their membership within the brigade. The award is open to both operational and non-operational members of the brigade and celebrates the outstanding achievement and service to the brigade by the recipient. 

Across his tenure, Phil has attended many fires and other emergency responses, including the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983. He also enjoyed a long stint in training junior members as the Assistant Junior Coach and took up the role of Head Coach of the juniors in 1980 until 1988. 

And his impact on the juniors cannot be overstated. Frank Pitinga from Edithvale brigade reminisced on when he met Phil in the late 1970’s as a twelve-year-old junior member. 

“Phil has always been a believer to nurture the new and upcoming members and impart his experiences and learnings,” Frank said.  

“He had a calming nature on how to mentor the juniors and impart his skills to produce several champions within the brigade.  

“His mentorship and impact on some of these juniors lead to some becoming long serving members of the brigade and even finding themselves in brigade leadership roles.” 

Phil is also an accomplished and awarded competitor in his own right competing in many urban competitions, and later in his Championship years was a key part of the Brigades Discipline competition achieving State Champions status. 

Frank said "Phil epitomises the nature of being a CFA volunteer – selfless and a quiet achiever.” 

A statement echoed by Phil himself.  

“My philosophy is that if something needs doing, just do it. Do not let yourself just pass it by.” 

When asked what's next, Phil spoke enthusiastically about what he is most looking forward to with the brigade. 

“The next big event we have coming up is our centenary, which will be in July next year so we have started talking about the plans for that, but we also have all of our local fundraising that we do,” Phil said. 

“This includes our All Fired Up fun run where we get sponsorship from local businesses, we help our local RSL with their Remembrance and Anzac Day events, and we do the barbeque for the Kingston council Christmas carols for around 7,000 people each year. 

“It is good just to be involved and supporting our local community.” 

Phil expressed his gratitude to Edithvale Fire Brigade and the local community. 

“I am extremely grateful for all the support that has been given to me over the years. I have had a great run; it has been very enjoyable,” Phil said.  

“This place really does mean a lot to me. I have just celebrated my 60 years, but I would still like to be here to when I get my 70 years’ service.”


  • Member News image
  • Member News image
  • Member News image
  • Member News image Phil (far right) with the Edithvale Junior members. Date c. 1980's
  • Member News image Phil (far right) as part of the Edithvale State Championship team
Submitted by CFA Media