CFA members out in force

The 2015 Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal will take place this Friday 3 April.

Each year the Good Friday Appeal brings together people from all parts of the community to raise much needed funds for equipment, research and education to support the work of The Royal Children's Hospital.

For more than 60 years, many of CFA’s dedicated members have shown their support by raising over $23 million for the appeal. And last year was no exception with CFA members raising a record-breaking $1.6 million.

CFA members will again be out in force across the state this year rattling collection tins and conducting their own fundraising events. We’ve heard from a few brigades who have told us what they’re up to:

Cobram Brigade members will be travelling along the Murray River rattling collection tins, and will be collecting a ‘toll’ from people wishing to cross the Cobram / Barooga bridge.

Corop Brigade is planning a big day shaking buckets and sizzling sausages, and on Good Friday evening hosting a trivia night to raise money for the appeal.

Toomuc Brigade is joining forces with the South East Chrome Bumpers and hosting a car meet at the Pakenham Bunnings Car Park from 3pm to 8pm. They are expecting over 500 cars including old cars, muscle cars and hotted-up cars. In addition, there will be a jumping castle, food vans and raffles. Both groups are very passionate about the appeal and as Blake Sokaluk from Toomuc Brigade says, “it’s all about the kids” and hopes the event will raise a lot of money for the Royal Children’s Hospital.

We hope all brigades have a successful day in their fundraising activities for the 2015 appeal.   

Author: CFA Partnerships and Marketing