CFA steps back in time at Sovereign Hill

Celebrating Fire Action Week, Sovereign Hill will showcase 1800s firefighting equipment and techniques in an interactive display from 1 – 8 November.

Highlighting just how far firefighting has come in 150 years, this display will feature the humble beginnings using horse-drawn fire engines and manual water pumps. Brigades from across CFA’s District 15 will also demonstrate the equipment and techniques used for firefighting in the 1800s.

Sovereign Hill CEO Jeremy Johnson said the display will take place throughout Fire Action Week to highlight the contribution generations of firefighters made to life in early Australia.

“This will be a fun and interactive display where local CFA members will don 1850s firefighting gear to show Victorians just how fires were dealt with in the gold rush era,” he said.

CFA District 15 Acting Operations Manager Gavin Hope said the display would not only be a chance to reflect on how far firefighting has evolved over time, but to recognise the commitment of CFA’s members who have worked tirelessly to protect their communities for the past 150 years.

“Keeping in the theme of Fire Action Week, and just ahead of the Fire Danger Period, this will be a great opportunity for our members to engage in meaningful conversations with community members on how they can keep themselves, their families and homes safe from fire this summer,” he said.

As a thank-you, CFA members can visit Sovereign Hill free during Fire Action Week upon presentation of their member ID card. CFA family members can also receive a 10 per cent discount.

What:             Fire Action Week display at Sovereign Hill

When:            1-8 November 2015

Time:             1pm daily

Where:           Sovereign Hill, Bradshaw Street, Ballarat

For details on ticketing or what else you can see and do at Sovereign Hill, click here.


Author: CFA Media