CFA brigades help communities prepare for bushfires

Fire Action Week may be over, but the CFA Open Day program is continuing across the state to support Victorians in preparing for the bushfire season.


Edithvale CFA recently held a successful Open Day for its community.

CFA Chief Officer Steve Warrington said CFA Open Days were the perfect opportunity for communities to learn more about what brigades do to keep everyone safe.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity for local communities to meet the men and women who work hard to keep them safe from fire and help out in times of emergency,” he said.

“Anyone interested in joining CFA, whether as a firefighter or in a support role is also welcome to come along for a look and a chat.”

CFA Chief Officer Steve Warrington said the open days were also great opportunity for people to find out how to best protect themselves, their family and property from fire this summer.

“A strong relationship between the community and emergency services is a crucial component in boosting community safety and greatly assists our members in their critical role of the protection of life and property.

“Now is the time to prepare your family and home in the lead up to summer and we’re here to help - members will be on hand to provide a range of fire safety information.

“Taking steps to get prepared before the fire season means you know what to do when you’re at risk.

“Preparing your property means you minimise the chance of property damage during a fire, even if you plan to leave early. A big clean up before the fire season can make a huge difference to the safety and survival of your home in a bushfire.

“You also need to plan and prepare for your safety. Understand your risk and plan ahead. Know what to do on hot, dry, windy days when fires will start and spread quickly. Plan for all situations by talking to your family and friends about how you’ll know when to leave, where you’ll go and how you’ll get there.”

Brigades throughout Victoria have opened their stations to their local communities as part of the CFA Open Day program since it started in 2011.

The day is an opportunity for all Victorians to learn more about what brigades do for the local community in a relaxed and fun environment.

At a typical Open Day event, brigade members will also be on hand with a range of fire safety information and advice, and fun activities such as demonstrations or a visit by Captain Koala.

Details about Open Day events held by brigades around

Tips to make sure you're ready for the upcoming bushfire season:

Prepare your property; it can minimise property damage even if you leave early

  • Move furniture, woodpiles and mulch away from windows, decks and eaves
  • Prune tree branches so they are not overhanging the roof or touching walls
  • Keep grass shorter than 10cm. Regularly remove leaves and twigs
  • Don’t have plants higher than 10cm in front of windows or glass doors
  • Before you leave, make sure you remove all flammable items from around your home. Houses have been lost from things as simple as embers landing on a doormat
  • Check that your home and contents insurance is current and includes a level of cover in line with current building standards and regulations.

Have a plan, make sure your family knows it, and stick to it

  • Check the fire risk where you live.
  • Decide which Fire Danger Rating is your trigger to leave; start checking Fire Danger Ratings daily
  • Decide where you will go and what you’ll do with your pets
  • Plan for all scenarios - what will you do if your car won’t start, the wind changes direction, roads are blocked, someone is hurt or people aren’t where you expect them to be?
  • When planning with kids, make sure you know your local school policy for fire risk days. Some schools close on Code Red days, it’s important to know so you can plan for all situations.
  • Create an emergency kit so you are ready to leave quickly and calmly
  • Know how you will monitor for warnings and do this regularly on hot, windy days
  • Defending your home requires at least two fit adults, at least 10,000 litres of water, protective clothing, and appropriate firefighting hoses and pumps. Most homes in high risk bushfire areas are not defendable on Code Red days. Defending your home is very risky - you could lose your life or be seriously injured
  • Always use more than one source to monitor warnings; ABC local radio, Sky News TV, the VicEmergency App, and VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226

Author: Liselotte Geary