Community donations boost firefighting capabilities

Invermay Fire Brigade has recently been successful in obtaining extra equipment to boost and improve their firefighting capabilities.


The brigade has successfully received funding through the 'District Pick List' program to obtain a thermal imaging camera for bushfires, a dash cam and several canvas hoses.

$4.8m from the generous donations during the most recent bushfire season has been allocated through a tools and equipment program.

Ninety-five per cent of CFA’s more than 1200 brigades took up the offer to select items from the 'District Pick List' program that also included popular items such as remote area lighting, quick-fill pumps and rear-view cameras. Close to 11,000 individual items were selected from the pick list.

You can find out more information on the program on the CFA News and Media site.

Invermay Fire Brigade Captain Daryl Rowe said these items will benefit the brigade immensely. 

“The brigade doesn’t have a thermal imaging camera currently and we do get a lot of fires where it would benefit in identifying potential reignition points and overhaul," Daryl said.

“Currently Glen Park Brigade and/or FRV Station 67 support us with the use of their camera,” Daryl added. “When we have our own camera we will be able to release these supporting brigades earlier so they are available elsewhere.

“We have a dash cam in Tanker 1 at the moment, but it will be of benefit to have another in Tanker 2 when responding to incidents, as the footage can be extremely useful in training, debriefing, potentially investigation, and in worse case scenarios.

“Having more hoses is always useful,” Daryl added.  “We are able to easily swap the hoses around, allowing the used ones to be hung up to dry and still maintain fully stowed Tankers at all times.”

Daryl said the program has been very well organised.

“I found it one of the most organised processes to go through as far as grant applications go.

“We were provided a list of items available through the program, all we had to do was pick what we felt as a brigade we needed.

“Everything we applied for was approved, and my understanding is that’s the same for the majority, if not all of the brigades in District 15 for their first three selections.

“The whole process has taken only a couple of months, and there is a good chance we’ll receive the items before the fire season.”

Daryl said members don’t volunteer for the glory but it is nice to feel appreciated.

“To get so much support back from the community, even from people who have never met you, is really rewarding

“It’s great to see exactly where people’s donations have gone.” Daryl added. “This equipment will boost our 21 operational members' capabilities. 

Author: Holly Penketh