Daniel’s support for GFA

A firefighter from Dandenong is committed to shedding light on the great work performed by The Royal Children’s Hospital.


Daniel Tawse is always by his daughter’s side as she has been in and out of the hospital since her premature birth in 2010.

Daniel says that they describe themselves as ‘frequent flyers’ at the Royal Children’s Hospital and although Emily can be quite sick at time she keeps a smile painted on her face when she walks in those doors.

“We live pretty far away from the hospital so when Emily gets sick we are driving lights and sirens with her in the back looking pretty crook.

“And when we arrive a smile creeps across her face and she looks around for someone to play with her.

“So that is a bit of a running joke we have with the nurses that Emily will do almost anything to visit them.

“She does it tough but she is an incredibly resilient and happy girl.

“It just goes to show how great the staff is and how important it is to support this cause. It makes a big difference to sick kids and their families.

Daniel who joined Dandenong as a career firefighter in 2008 said the brigade has been contributing to the Good Friday Appeal for a long time.

“On Good Friday it is a given that the Dandenong fireys will be down by the major intersections rattling the tins for the Good Friday Appeal.

“The day is always committed to collecting for the appeal unless we are required to pause for operational duties.

“The money raised goes to research and equipment but also to making the environment more enjoyable.

“This is really important as families and siblings can spend a lot of time in the hospital,”

For more information on the Good Friday Appeal click here.


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Author: CFA Media