Darley garage fire

A warm, quiet night in Bacchus Marsh on Thursday, was brought to a halt when Bacchus Marsh and Coimadai Fire Brigade pagers beeped into life just after 9:30pm, with a reported garage fire in Darley.

Enroute, it was relayed to Vicfire that smoke was visible in the area, with a "glow in the sky".

"It was well alight on arrival," explains Lieutenant Phil Clayden, "with fire impinging on the house, as well as the neighbouring property."

With the fire knocked down with multiple handlines and crews in breathing apparatus after an intensive firefight, Melton Fire Brigade were paged for use of their Thermal Imaging Camera to find hotspots during the overhaul stage. Ballarat City Protective Equipment Van was also responded to Bacchus Marsh Fire Station to refill multiple BA cylinders.

Ambulance Victoria also attended to look over the occupant of the house after he attempted to extinguish the fire before the brigade's arrival.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Appliances in attendance were;

Bacchus Marsh - Pumper, Tanker 1, Tanker 2, FCV.

Coimadai - Tanker 1.

Ballarat City - PE Van.

Melton - Pumper.

The Incident Controller for this fire was Lieutenant Phil Clayden from Bacchus Marsh Fire Brigade.

Pictures by Blair Dellemijn - CFA Photographer.

Author: Blair Dellemijn