District 02 Secretary & Treasurer Workshops

Throughout August the District Support Team (DST) held a series of Secretary and Treasurer Workshops across the District to help incoming and ongoing Secretaries understand their role within the Brigade.

Three workshops were held between the 4th and 9th of August at Gisborne, Harcourt and Huntly to try and make it easy and convenient for members to attend. Strong numbers were present at each of the sessions and attendees provided some great feedback to the team.

This was the first year that the DST has run the Secretary Sessions in this format and it was a great opportunity for all involved to put some names to faces. Members in attendance were given more of an opportunity to ask questions and take part in the conversation, in groups, as Angela, Cathy and Paige bounced between the different tables to talk about different aspects of the roles. John Munday and Russell Edwards, who are both in the role of Finance Officer Brigades, also attended to answer all the finance questions.

Topics covered included: Memberships, Insurance, Fundraising, Awards and Stores; to name a few.

This year our Secretaries also had the option to take either a hard copy of our Secretary and Treasurers Workshop Book or an electronic one in the form of a USB which proved very popular. We hope that all those who attended found the sessions beneficial and got something out of them.

Author: District 2 News