Domestic prop comes to Castlemaine

The Metcalfe Group organised to bring the domestic training prop to Castlemaine Fire Station in July to provide members with some hands-on training.

This allowed brigades from both Metcalfe and Strathloddon Groups to spend some cold nights dodging the rain while they put the prop through its paces.

Members from Castlemaine, Chewton, Walmer, Harcourt, Guildford, Maldon, Sutton Grange & Myrtle Creek, Taradale, Fryerstown, Langley-Barfold and Campbells Creek all braved the conditions to hone their skills. Neighbouring brigades often worked together on the prop developing their team work skills as well as their firefighting techniques.

The domestic prop is the second prop to have come to Castlemaine this year. Well done to Group Training Officer David Murdoch and his team for providing brigades with the opportunity to use this great resource.

There seemed to be a separate competition between brigades as to who could create the best photos. Decide for yourself.

Author: District 2 News