Faces of CFA

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What binds CFA members is the common goal to protect lives and property. But they are a diverse bunch – every member has a story and Faces of CFA introduces you to just some of those stories.



What is your CFA role?

Captain of Lismore Fire Brigade. Over the years I’ve held many roles including lieutenant at Skipton Fire Brigade before transferring to Lismore brigade.

Why did you join?

I joined as a Junior with Skipton brigade to compete in the CFA Junior Championships, and from there had the desire to want to help and service the local community.

What incident has had the greatest impact on you?

Every incident has had its own impact, whether it’s a house fire where a family has lost everything or a vehicle accident where someone’s loved ones may have been hurt.

One that sticks out to me the most would be my deployment to the 2019-20 bushfires in Gippsland. The devastation and loss of property, wildlife and stock was confronting, let alone the tragic accidents that also happened on the fireground. This eye-opening experience showed me the importance of maintaining awareness around trees when working on a fireground.

Who have been your mentors in CFA?

I have been very fortunate to have many mentors within the brigades I have been a member of, the most influential being my father (Vernon Dawson) and Chris Heywood, who were both previous captains of Skipton brigade.

What have been the highlights of your time in CFA?

There have been many highlights but one that stands out was when I was presented with a National Emergency Medal for helping to fight the 2019-20 bushfires.

Being elected as Lismore captain is also one of the highlights of my time in CFA. It was a daunting idea at first, but with amazing support from the brigade and district I think I’ve been able to lead well and feel privileged to lead Lismore brigade into the future.

How do you motivate your brigade members?

As CFA is a volunteer organisation, I think that all members already have a desire to help and contribute to the local and wider community. Motivating people who are already passionate about something is easy for me. As long as we continue to create a comfortable, friendly and welcoming brigade, we can only hope that our members remain interested and motivated to continue the amazing work they do within the community.

What lessons are you most keen to pass onto other members?

Perhaps not so much a lesson as an observation, but I think the most important thing I would pass onto other members is how crucial it is to see CFA members as a team. This team is faced with an array of situations and challenges and therefore we can and will learn best as a team. Although we can all train and grow individually, at the end of the day we head out on a truck as a group and we will come back each time more developed than the last time.

I also want to express to members that opportunities in brigades are endless and if you wish to move into leadership roles eventually, we are all here to help make that happen.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spare time is limited between work and volunteering but I really enjoy being out on the local lakes in the ski boat. Although my skiing and wakeboarding skills may be limited, I always have a good time with friends.


Submitted by News and Media