Fireys set to shake and rattle for a good cause

CFA members from brigades across the state will be out shaking tins on street corners for a good cause tomorrow.


CFA has a long and rich history of collecting money for the Good Friday Appeal by not only rattling tins but also hosting activities and volunteering their time to raise as much as they can for the Royal Children’s Hospital.

Acting Chief Officer Gavin Freeman said CFA has had a strong partnership with the Good Friday Appeal since 1951, with more than $30 million raised over the years.   

“Last year was an amazing effort with CFA collecting more than 10 percent of the overall money raised for the Appeal,” he said.

“I am extremely proud of all our CFA members involved in this incredible cause and I hope our efforts are making a difference to those who need it most.

“CFA serves and protects the community on a daily basis and what better cause than helping the most vulnerable members of our community - our children.

“CFA brigades take great pride in raising this money and they look forward to continuing to work with the Good Friday Appeal for many years to come.”

“We thank the community for their ongoing support to us in raising these important funds for the Appeal.”

Victorian firefighters have also swapped their boots with runners today as they put their endurance to the test to further raise funds for the Appeal.

CFA and MFB are taking part in a relay challenge, which will see firefighters from both agencies run side-by-side on treadmills for 14 hours straight.

The money raised for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal will be used to buy medical equipment and fund research projects and scholarships.

We encourage community members to reach into their pockets this Friday to support our CFA members and the Appeal.

Donations can also be made online directly through the Good Friday Appeal website

Author: CFA Media