Fire restrictions are ending in East Gippsland
The first Fire Danger Period (FDP) restrictions to end in Victoria this fire season will lift at 1.00 am on Monday 17 March for the East Gippsland Shire in CFA’s District 11.
As restrictions end, residents travelling west of Bairnsdale are reminded to remain vigilant as the fire season in other regions is still very active.
CFA Deputy Chief Officer Southeast Region Trevor Owen said the decision was made due to conditions in the area becoming more favourable.
“We’re starting to see dew forming on some mornings across East Gippsland,” Trevor said.
“Although there’s still plenty of grass around, it's mostly green, meaning any fires are likely to be small and easily controlled.
“The outlook for Autumn is looking good, giving property owners a great chance to tidy up and prepare their properties well ahead of winter.
“While parts of East Gippsland, including Omeo, are drier compared to other areas, at this stage the risk of fire is reduced.
“However, even with milder weather we still want landowners to take precautions and ensure conditions are safe before burning off.”
To prevent unnecessary emergency callouts, landowners must register their burn-offs. If smoke or fire is reported, it will be cross-checked with the register to avoid an emergency response.
Where possible, landowners should also notify neighbours and those nearby who may be sensitive to smoke.
Burn-off safety checklist :
- Check fire restrictions in your area and register your burn-off.
- Monitor weather conditions, especially wind.
- Notify neighbours to prevent unnecessary emergency calls.
- Maintain a three-metre firebreak, clear of flammable materials.
- Have enough equipment and water to contain the fire.
- Never leave a burn-off unattended – stay until it is fully extinguished.
- If your burn-off gets out of control, call 000 immediately.
For tips on protecting your health from smoke, visit the EPA Victoria website.