Fortuna Group listens to youth

A Youth Forum was held on Saturday 15 September to hear the views of young CFA members who volunteer for brigades in the Fortuna Group in District 2.


Positive vibes: Zac Abbott (front) attended facilitation training in the field of youth engagement.

Group Officer David Patterson initiated the forum because he wanted to know more about the experiences and challenges of young members is his group.

“I am not the future of CFA, you are,” said David during his 'The World According to Patto' speech, which set the scene for the forum held at the group’s local command facility.

David engaged the support of two volunteer facilitators trained in the field of youth engagement, Bridie Dwyer (Eaglehawk Fire Brigade) and Zac Abbott (Strathfieldsaye Fire Brigade), who were assisted by Elaine Hamilton of the Volunteer Sustainability Team.

Bridie and Zac led the participants, which included youth and captains from the Fortuna Group, in discussions focusing on four topics:

  • What were your reasons for joining CFA?
  • What has been your experience since joining?
  • What are some of the challenges you experience as a young member?
  • What would make you leave and how can the Fortuna Group help to keep you?

Elaine, who represents the North West Region on a Youth Engagement Statewide Working Party, congratulated David and the Fortuna Group for initiating the forum and having the foresight to invite youth and young adults as well as the captains of the Fortuna brigades to this forum. 

“CFA will be strengthened through youth-adult partnerships. Having meaningful conversations and open communication is an important step towards establishing an empowering culture for young people,” Elaine said.

“It's evident that youth and young adults are keen to make a difference in their communities and contribute positively to CFA’s mission.”

At the November meeting of the Fortuna Group, members were provided with a verbal report on the Youth Forum by David, with unanimous agreement that a Deputy Group Officer position could be allocated to a young person in the group, providing a platform for the voice of youth at group level. This was a direct outcome of the Youth Forum.

Other recommendations from the Youth Forum will be included in a formal report to be tabled at a future Fortuna Group meeting for endorsement and implementation of actions that will tackle the challenges faced by younger members.

Author: Bec McDonald