Showcasing bushfire and natural hazard science

It is National Science Week, and the August 2015 edition of Hazard News showcases the science underway at the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC.

The latest newsletter has infomation on estimating bushfire risk post-cyclone, the impacts of extreme water levels and learning from emergencies. View Hazard News at

It is not too late to register for our popular Research Forum in Adelaide from next month - as part of our annual conferencewith AFAC from 1-4 September. It is sure to be a great week of learning, with speakers covering topics such as: extreme fire weather; managing animals in disasters; earthquake impacts; flood fatalities; and fire management in Indigenous communities. CFA is well represented, with talks by Danielle Wright, Ali Martin, Tanya Di Michele and Gwynne Brennan. 

New blogs in the last month include Research Manager Dr Michael Rumsewicz recounting his trip to the US to discuss collaborating with US natural hazard research centers, PhD student Graeme Riddell talking about his role as part of an advisory group which met in Athens to look at strengthening critical infrastructure resilience to climate change, researcher Dr Paula Dootson sharing her experiences from the 40th annual Natural Hazards Workshop in the US and Contract Research and Education Manager Lyndsey Wright lets you know about an opportunity for agencies to host a PhD student for a short placement, furthering their emergency management experience.

View Hazard News on the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC website.

You can also receive Hazard News direct to your inbox each month by clicking on the yellow sign up box on the right hand side of the news section of the CRC site.

Author: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC