From the CO – thanks for your hard work

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your collective efforts over the past five weeks. We should be proud of what we achieve, CFA is an amazing organisation. Thank you for continuing to make it so.

I also take this opportunity to thank those of you who fill operational support roles for your willingness, flexibility and expertise. I ask that, wherever possible, managers commit to releasing staff for operational support roles. I acknowledge those of you who support business continuity over summer and invariably have to pick up an additional workload. Again, this is recognised and appreciated. 

The indicators are confirming the predicted tough summer due to above-average temperatures, below-average rainfall, strong El Nino, the positive Indian Ocean Dipole persisting, dry forests and rapidly-curing grasslands with Wimmera and Mallee effectively 100 per cent cured.

The forecast for the end of this week and the weekend is elevated temperatures across the state, increasing wind and lightning, which means it's critical we give priority to issuing public warnings and information, aggressive initial attack and protecting life and property with determination. 

Briefings should include hydration, heat stress, hazardous trees and wind change. It is important that crews continue to hydrate to prevent heat stress. If you live in high fire risk localities please ensure your family is prepared and know what to do to stay safe if you are not present. This includes looking after themselves and those most at risk in the heat such as the elderly, the young and people with a medical condition.

You can view my video here.

I wish you a safe and happy Christmas.

Author: Joe Buffone