Full research papers available

With a focus on the science of natural hazards the popular Research Forum is an annual lead-in to the joint Bushfire and Natural Hazards & AFAC conference.

Delve into the science in detail, with all research papers available in full. This includes papers presented during the Research Forum, as well as the research papers that comprised the main program.

More than 450 people were on hand at the Adelaide Convention Centre for the Research Forum, which comprised 32 presentations. A further six research papers were presented on the main conference program. This year's research papers are divided into 13 peer reviewed papers, and 19 non-peer reviewed extended abstracts. The presentations covered both emerging and advanced projects across all of the CRC's disaster research areas, as well as projects not affiliated with the CRC. 

The papers, available below, appear in the order they were presented during the conference.

Topics covered include: non-traditional volunteering, natural hazard management in Indigenous communities, fuel assessment, economic modelling, disaster framework estimation, simulation research, animal emergency management, prescribed burning, evacuation planning, extreme fire weather, flood forecasting, community resilience and policy considerations.

Download the proceedings on the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC website.

Papers are also available individually below. Papers from the Tuesday and Wednesday aspects of the conference are available on the AFAC website.

Author: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC