Golden Square live fire training

Firefighters from Golden Square recently had the opportunity to undertake live fire training using the CFA’s Mobile Industrial Prop.

The aim of the training was to complete skills maintenance on structural firefighting and required crews to respond in the pumper, position the appliance, deploy a 38mm entry length to the personal access door, 2 firefighters to don and start up in BA, undertake safe door entry into the structure and undertake fire suppression.

Crews were rotated through positons with some fantastic results achieved, showing the value of regular, consistent and quality brigade training on structural firefighting.

Golden Square has long been an advocate of Compartment Fire Behaviour Training and this prop enabled crews to be able to practice door entry techniques with live fire on the other side of the door and to also utilise and see the effect of an indirect attack through the door.

Throughout the training we had Go Pros mounted on the pumper & on firefighters to capture the training from various angles. With a bit of editing we now have a complete video the shows our firefighters going to work at the prop. The video can be found on YouTube at the following link:

Author: District 2 News