Goldfields firefighters honoured

More than 100 CFA volunteers from the Goldfields region have been recognised for their efforts to protect the community during the 2009 bushfires.

The group was recognised for its service rendered during the Black Saturday fires in 2009 with a presentation of National Emergency Medals on Sunday 20 March.

Firefighters from the Goldfields Group were joined by their families for the special ceremony held at the Maryborough Highland Society.

The large turn-out included Member for Ripon Louise Staley, Central Goldfields Shire Council Mayor Geoff Lovett, Cr Helen Broad (Tullaroop Ward), VFBV Board Member Samantha Rothman, VFBV State Councillor Darryl Wagstaff and Goldfields Group Officer Robert Ipsen.

All 10 Brigades within the Goldfields Group – Bealiba, Bowenvale, Carisbrook, Dunolly, Maryborough, Moolort & Joyces Creek, Mt Cameron, Natte Yallock, Talbot and Wareek & Bung Bong – were represented with more than 100 Australian National Emergency Medals awarded by CFA Duty Chief Officer Bruce Byatt and District 2 Operations Manager Steven Smith.

Goldfields Group Officer Robert Ipsen acknowledged the hard work undertaken by the firefighters and the invaluable support of their families.

“Some of the members that received this prestigious award were part of the first and second crews into Kinglake,” Mr Ipsen said.

“Black Saturday had an enormous impact on Victorians, especially on the lives of these individuals.”

Author: District 2 News