Good Friday Appeal thanks CFA

The Good Friday Appeal recently held a series of ‘Thank you events’ in regional Victoria and Melbourne to thank its supporters for raising a whopping 17.1 million for the 2015 Good Friday Appeal.

CFA raised more than $1.7million for this year’s appeal and members from around the state were pleased to take part in these functions to celebrate the success of the appeal, which benefits The Royal Children’s Hospital.

John Deeks hosted the event and presented highlights from the appeal including how the money will be used to buy medical equipment and to fund research projects and scholarships.

Oliver Tucker, the face of this year’s appeal and his family were there and lots of different community and volunteer groups also attended including CFA brigades from Traralgon, Eildon, Ararat, Inglewood, Mildura and Irymple to name a few.

Daryl and Val Mildenhall members from the Stratford brigade were presented with a Distinguished Service Award for their long term support of the appeal and Lynne Luckman from Eildon was also presented with an award for 31 years service to the appeal.

Anne Randall, Good Friday Appeal Director thanked CFA for its efforts “The Good Friday Appeal is one of the biggest community appeals in Australia and its success lies with the thousands of people like CFA who volunteer their time, expertise and energy to this great cause.”

 “We are extremely grateful to members who give up their time every year to raise funds for the appeal and we look forward to continuing to work with CFA for many years to come” she said.

CFA brigades have been raising money for the appeal for more than 60 years, with collections totalling over $24 million for the appeal.

See photos from the events below.

Author: CFA Partnerships and Marketing