Hazardous trees training for Malmsbury

Malmsbury Fire Brigade recently conducted in-house hazardous trees training for its members. The training, which included a video and field visit, centred around the new Joint Standard Operating Procedure (JSOP 8.03).

Members learned about the new hazardous trees assessment procedures, marking and identifying exclusion zones and looked at some of the indicators of what is a hazardous tree.

The field exercise was led by Benloch Captain Vince Cafari, who is also a Parks Victoria Firefighter. Vince took the group to a recent fire at Black Hill, Kyneton where hazardous trees were an issue. Members had the chance to look at trees that had been identified as 'killer' trees and got a first hand chance to look at other tree hazards.

Discussions around alternative methods of blacking out including avoiding hazardous areas were held as were the dangers of storm response by CFA members.

Members were also directed to the new JSOP 3.08 and video which can be found HERE.

Author: Anthony Stephens