Hesket-Kerrie's 50th Anniversary

On Saturday 13 August, Hesket-Kerrie Fire Brigade held its annual brigade dinner at the Woodend RSL. But this was no ordinary dinner  it also celebrated the 50th anniversary of this small but busy brigade.  

We had all current members in attendance along with past captains and, most importantly, founding members.

A framed certificate was presented to our current captain Greg Brownbill by Mick Lavery, Acting Operations Officer for the Macedon Ranges Catchment, commemorating this achievement. There were also medals given out as follows:

10 year service for Judy Hudson & Peter Gigante,

15 years to Paul Fletcher, Andy Kelly & Jacky Kelly,

25 years for Andrew Maxted and

35 years for Geoff McKee.

Two 50 year medals were also presented to founding members Darryl Maxted and Stan Nicholls.

For the second year running, Caz Detlefsen was awarded the Dennis Collery Firefighter of the Year Award. This is an annual award given out in memory of our 1st Lieutenant Dennis Collery who was killed by a falling tree while on duty at the 1973 Lancefield Fires. 


Article Courtesy of Emma Brown

Author: District 2 News