Heyfield Emergency Service Expo

On Sunday14th June, Heyfield Fire Brigade hosted its first Emergency Services Expo.  The CFA came together with the SES, Ambulance Victoria, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and Victoria Police to talk to the community about fires and local emergencies and provide an opportunity for the public to see the equipment applied and operated in an emergency situation.

Fire trucks joining the expo from the surrounding district included: Seaton, Glenmaggie, Coongulla. Visitors were also treated to a visit from the CFA Traralgon Ladder Platform and new CAFS (Compressed Air Foam System) from Churchill Fire Brigade.

Throughout the day there were demonstrations from Ambulance Victoria with their new Complex Patient Ambulance vehicle, SES display on motor vehicle accident rescue, DELWP, using their burn table revealing how fire behaves and Heyfield Fire Brigade set up a practical fire extinguisher challenge to educate the community on correct fire extinguisher usage.

The Expo confirmed the importance of the relationships built between each emergency service agency and the way all agencies work together for the community.  It also provided an opportunity for visitors to talk to Emergency Service personnel to ask questions and seek advice.

The day was a huge success for the Heyfield Fire Brigade and allowed them to showcase their station and resources.  It also provided a great opportunity for the strengthening of interaction between emergency services through meeting people and learning from one another.

Given the positive outcomes of this expo, Heyfield Fire Brigade are aiming to make it an annual event.  Heyfield Fire Brigade would like to thank Bendigo Bank for their contribution in supporting this event.

Author: Emily Haala