Heyfield FB - Interagency training Hellitack 333

Heyfield Fire Brigade training on Tuesday 27th January saw Heyfield Brigade once again out and about having a go at something a bit different.  This time a joint training session with the DELWP crew of Hellitack 333.  A full safety brief was given, followed by a detailed description of the aircraft and its capabilities.

With the introduction of the predetermined aircraft despatch in Gippsland this fire season, many of our members took the opportunity to ask questions of the pilot and crew and likewise Dave (pilot) was also able to speak candidly to our group. 

Many good points were raised, most importantly that we are all one team working together on a fire ground and we (CFA) can help a pilot in the air with simple explanations and descriptions of what we can see i.e. power lines.  Also the fact that a chopper is faster and more manoeuvrable than a tanker, so choppers can give tankers priority on water points and just as importantly Dave advised not to panic when you hear the siren if you can’t get out of the way, the chopper will simply go around you.

At the end of a very interesting and informative session, Hellitack 333 was launched and demonstrated a water drop for us.  Not only was this an important demonstration for our new members who have not seen a fire bombing aircraft in action but also a timeless reminder for some of our more experienced members that we are still in the middle of Summer and February is going to get hotter.

We at Heyfield have always engaged in good working relationships with our colleagues in green, and the ability to sit together and share training only helps to cement this relationship into the future.

Phil Graham


Heyfield Fire Brigade.

Author: Emily Haala