Joint entry for Eaglehawk Dahlia and Arts

This year saw a partnership between Eaglehawk Fire Brigade and the North West Region Community Education Group in the annual Dahlia and Arts Festival street procession.

The Eaglehawk community once again provided lots of colour and fun as many local groups and schools participated. With this year’s theme 'That’s Friendly', the procession took the route from Bright Street, along High Street then Sailors Gully Road, finishing at Darling Street.

The combined entry consisted of Eaglehawk members proudly representing their Brigade, followed by the Brigades two appliances and the Junior Brigade carrying the Community Education Groups banner while handing out CFA giveaways to the crowd. Following along close behind were the North West Region Mobile Smoke House and Eaglehawk’s FCV pulling the Little Red Fire Truck.

Displayed throughout the event and included in the giveaways were several key messages including:

  • Only working smoke alarms save lives;
  • In an emergency dial 000;
  • Crawl low in smoke;
  • Where is your safe meeting place?;
  • Know your Total Fire Ban district; and
  • Northern Country District - Fire restrictions in force

Huge thanks must go to all members who participated and, in particular, to the Eaglehawk Junior Brigade for their assistance with carrying the banner and distributing giveaways. Young people aged between 11-15 years old can join CFA as junior members through the Junior Volunteer Development Program. Run by CFA volunteers, Junior Brigades provide a range of safe, enjoyable and challenging activities for young people.

If you’re interested in joining the Eaglehawk Junior Brigade, you can contact the Secretary by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phoning District 02 HQ on 1800 735 202.

Paul Tangey

Community Education Coordinator

North West Region

Author: District 2 News