Kaniva celebrates 100 years of community service and resilience

Member News image Kaniva Captains past and present L to R: Darren Witmitz, John Heinjus, Brian Charles, Josh McCabe and Brad Witmiz


Kaniva Fire Brigade proudly marked a century of service to the local community with a historic dinner and award ceremony, last Friday night.


The event, held at Kavina Community Hub, united past and present members, CFA’s District 17 and state delegates and representatives from Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, and SES.

Reflecting on the evening, Kaniva Fire Brigade Captain John Heinjus said the occasion was a memorable tribute to the brigade's 100-years of dedication.

"I'm very proud to have led the brigade through this milestone. It's been such an important part of the local community since 1924, and we hope it remains so for another 100 years to come," John said.

Throughout the evening, multiple CFA Service Awards ranging from five-year certificates to 60-year service medals, were presented to both former and current members.

"These awards represent more than just years on paper; they acknowledge the dedication and commitment of our members, past and present," John said.

It's fitting that the commemoration fell on Friday the 13th, given that the brigade received a severe dose of bad luck 50 years ago when the fire station burned down.

"The brigade has seen many ups and downs over the journey, but the fire station burning down in 1974 would have to be the most challenging hurdle," John said.

Former Brigade Captain Darren Witmitz remembers the fire well and says the brigade took a long time to recover its sense of identity.

"It completely devastated the town at the time," Darren said. 

"Losing all the history was a massive blow to the brigade. The fire destroyed decades of documents and memories that told our story."

The fire station was replaced in 1976 and remains in the same spot, in the shadow of the town's impressive silo art. Being in the heart of the West Wimmera flatlands, the brigade most commonly responds to grass and scrub fires and is currently equipped with one pumper and a tanker.

As the Kaniva Fire Brigade enters its second century, John says they are always looking for new volunteers.

"If you're looking for a challenge and want to protect our community, we'd love to hear from you," John said.

You can learn more about becoming a CFA volunteer here.


  • Member News imageDeputy Chief Officer (West) Brett Boatman, Kaniva Fire brigade Captain John Heinjus, 2nd Lieutenant Eljay Maddern and Assistant Chief Fire Officer D.17 Mark Gunning
  • Member News image
Submitted by CFA Media