Lancefield and Benloch awards

Lancefield Brigade (L) along with the Benloch Brigade (B) combined to hold their Annual Dinner and Service Awards Night on Sunday 17 July 2016. 

Volunteers from each of the brigades attended for an enjoyable evening and to celebrate the years of service of their fellow members. Operations Officer Andy Waterson attended the evening to present the medals and certificates to all eligible members.

Congratulations to all the members who received the following awards:

  •          5 Year Service Award: B Kendray (L) and A Irving (L)
  •          10 Year Service Award: J Amos (L), N Reeves (L), J Davis (L), T Morgan (B) and J Morgan (B).
  •          15 Year Service Award: G Deer (B) and W Green (L).
  •          20 Year Service Award: H Bleeck (L) and G Reaburn (L).
  •          30 Year Service Award: SC Mustey (L).
  •          35 Year Service Award: L Jones (L).
  •          55 Year Service Award: SA Green (L).

Author: District 2 News