Ray Beaton, Hazelwood North Fire Brigade, Vols on Hols participant
CFA is calling for interested members headed to Mallacoota this coming Easter to lend a hand in the Vols on Hols program as tens of thousands of visitors are set to make their way to the region.
Following a successful summer campaign which saw 21 CFA members based in the area participate in the initiative, local members are enlisting further help to respond to the anticipated influx of call outs come the end of March.
CFA Deputy Chief Officer South East Trevor Owen said while it has been a quieter bushfire season than usual across East Gippsland due to regular rain events, it has subsequently assisted in the implementation and learning of this new pilot program.
“We’ve provided an additional tanker to Mallacoota given the increased number of volunteers, and it has been of great benefit to the community,” Trevor said.
“Some of the involved visiting members have also taken up the opportunity to actively participate in brigade training as well.”
Alongside local volunteers, Hazelwood North Fire Brigade Vols on Hols participant, Ray Beaton joined Cann Valley Fire Brigade in a combined session, running through advanced pumping activities and attack and boosting drills for a car fire.
“We’ve really seen the social connection grow between CFA members, local Mallacoota residents and visitors to the region.” Trevor said.
Mallacoota Captain Tracey Johnston has the pleasure of inviting those members who have extended an expression of interest down to the station for a meet and greet before turning out.
“We’re so thankful for the assistance from brigade members who come from across the state. We like to give them a run through of our facilities and equipment before they jump in,” Tracey said.
“From the feedback we’ve received, families of the members have been really supportive, and understand how much CFA volunteering means to them.
“Some of their kids have also enjoyed coming down to the station to see the trucks and meet the local members.”
Interested CFA members visiting Mallacoota over the Easter period can sign up and find more information about Vols on Hols by emailing volsonhols.d11@cfa.vic.gov.au or call D11 Headquarters on 03 5153 7400.
Vols on Hols participants training with Cann Valley Fire Brigade and Mallacoota Fire Brigade
Vols on Hols participants training with Mallacoota Fire Brigade
Vols on Hols participants training with Mallacoota Fire Brigade