Mia Mia Big Sing

Mia Mia Fire Brigade will be hosting the Mia Mia Big Sing again this month as part of their yearly fundraising activities.

This annual event started after the Black Saturday fires when a number of Melbourne choirs – led by The Souffle Sisters Choir - held a concert in Melbourne in support of Mia Mia Fire Brigade. The Souffle Sisters have since performed each year in the wonderful Mia Mia Hall and have also gathered the support of two other choirs – Women of Note from Bendigo and The Homebrew Verandah Singers.  One of the highlights of The Big Sing is the audience participation after the choirs have performed, with all willing participants joining in and singing in the round.

The Big Sing event is a major contributor to our Brigade's local annual costs. This year it takes place on Saturday the 18th June with lunch starting at 12:00pm and the concert at 1:30pm. Tickets are available online at: www.trybooking.com/LKPY


Stephen Cadusch, Mia Mia Secretary

Author: District 2 News