Langwarrin firefighters Craig Aiton, Brett Fletcher and Matthew Porter
CFA members across the state have once again tackled a hairy subject, all while raising money for a good cause.
CFA firefighters have taken on the Movember challenge to ‘grow a mo’ for the month of November, raising money and awareness for men’s health issues.
Firefighters Craig Aiton, Brett Fletcher and Matthew Porter from Langwarrin Fire Brigade all signed up to the challenge this year.
“Brett has been taking part in Movember for the last 10 years, and three years ago he encouraged me to get involved,” Craig said.
Craig said the cause is close to his heart, knowing multiple firefighters battling various health issues.
“I know six firefighters this year alone that have had, or are battling, prostate of other forms of cancer. One has sadly passed away from complications of cancer, some are in recovery, and some are still fighting.”
“Growing a Mo and raising awareness of these cancers is nothing compared to what these men go through. By raising awareness, I hope we can encourage men to get to know their body and seek medical advice early if they see or feel changes.”
The team raised over $3,000 throughout the month, and Craig said he would encourage others to take part in future campaigns.
“Growing a mo is not a hard thing to do, and it saves you from shaving every day! It’s only one month out of the year and the itch is only a small thing to put up with compared to going through cancer treatment.
“Create a team and go through it together. We encourage people to make fun of our mo’s as it generates conversations, but the fun comes at the expense of making a small donation.”
Langawarrin is accepting final donations to the cause here.