New beginnings for Woosang brigade

It was a cold winter's day, but locally-made hot soup and food warmed up those who attended the opening of the new Woosang Brigade Fire Station.

CFA Board member Michael Tudball AFSM officially opened the station, which replaced the old shed used for more than 45 years.

Woosang Fire Brigade, formed in 1926, covers a farming district along the Calder Highway between Wedderburn and Charlton. It currently has 21 members and averages 10 turnouts a year, mainly to grass fires. Its most ‘famous’ current member is Chief Officer Euan Ferguson.

“The brigade has proudly represented the district on many occasions for strike team deployments and has always had strong representation in the Wedderburn Group,” said District 20 Operations Officer Bryan Suckling.

The new station replaces the old one-bay structure with a two-bay motor room, toilet and kitchenette, providing a more comfortable and modern base from which members will work now and into the future.

And what better to place in a new station than a new truck, with Michael Tudball also handing over keys to a new tanker during the opening.

The Isuzu 2.2 medium tanker, used by the brigade since 1988, was replaced with a Hino Medium 2.4C, a four-wheel drive crew cab medium tanker incorporating the latest CFA safety features, including radiant heat protection.

Bryan said the official opening was well attended by brigade and community members, including Loddon Shire Mayor Gavan Holt.

“Two significant awards given out on the day were for Stafford White (70-year CFA Life Member) and Graham Turnbull (60 year CFA Life Member), who have both gone ‘above and beyond’ to significantly enhance the safety of their communities.”

He said ex-captain Fred White was sorely missed on the day, unable to attend due to ill health.

Other awards given out: Roger Paterson (50 Year Clasp), Anthony Curnow, Malcolm Burge and Garry Hayes (40 Year Clasp), Ian and Murray Gould (35 Year Clasp), Alistair White (30 Year Clasp), Cameron Turnbull and Frank Cooper (25 Year Clasp), Anthony Stewart (20 Year Clasp) and Jake Hayes and Ross Burge (5 Year Certificate).

Author: CFA News