Newstead Open Day

Someone at Newstead Fire Brigade must have high connections as the gods certainly turned on some great weather for the brigade’s Open Day held last Sunday 27th November 2016.

The day saw a small number of locals wander through the doors with plenty on offer to educate and entertain people of all ages.
FF Hilton Hazeltine provided some valuable insight into the various social media avenues used by both CFA and Newstead Fire Brigade to keep the community informed and also went through how to operate the latest VicEmergency App for smart phones. FFs Ron Archer and Robyn Hazeltine gave short presentations on what is was like to be a CFA Volunteer and in particular with Newstead Fire Brigade. FF Ron Archer, also the “Master Chef” of Newstead Brigade keep the crowd happy with his work on the sausage sizzle. Who doesn’t love a sausage sizzle? The final presentation of the day was provided by Captain Doug Richardson who spoke about the upcoming fire season and what land-owners can do to prepare their properties and themselves in the case the area is impacted by fire. He also discussed the Emergency Warnings that are issued by CFA and what this means to the community.

Outside the kids (both young and old) were also well entertained. A jumping castle was the big hit with the kids as was the big red trucks. Of course, what kids don’t love big red trucks? FF Peter Morter gave a demonstration on the correct use of fire extinguishers and one young member of the audience had an opportunity to use a water extinguisher. LT Jason McGrath gave audience members a narrative on the burn over drill that was demonstrated by brigade members.

Our big hit of the day was of course our brand new Bigfill Appliance. Based on a Toyota Landcruiser V8 diesel cab-chassis this appliance provides the brigade with a high capacity pump, capable of delivering water at 2000 litres per minute. Primarily used to rapidly refill multiple tankers at once this appliance is sure to see many hours of use during the coming fire season. It will also provide Newstead and surrounding districts with a high capacity pumping capability for other emergencies such as structure fires and flood mitigation work to name a few.

Finally, the day also resulted in 3 people taking away application forms to join our firefighting ranks and one new lady to join the ranks of the ladies auxiliary who work tirelessly behind the scenes doing all manner of fundraising and also providing catering support when needed.

All in all, a happy and successful day was enjoyed by all who attended.

Author: District 2 News