Online paging now mobile-friendly

Members will have easier access to online paging from their mobile phones when a redesign of the system goes live next month.

The paging system, which is accessed up to 80,000 times a year, enables members to send administrative messages to individuals or Brigades via an online form on Brigades Online.

With a clearer layout and larger text, online paging has been redesigned to improve usability, particularly on mobiles and tablets.

The changes were made following feedback from members saying they'd like to use paging 'on the move'.  

The same new look has been applied across the ‘Your details and contacts’ section of CFA Online, where members can update their details, order an ID card, manage subscriptions and find people or locations.

Only the look and feel is different, all functionality is the same. 

The new look will be live in July. You can see screenshots of the new design below.

If you have any feedback you’d like to share about the new design, leave a comment below or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
