R U OK? Day a chance to focus on Respect

Today is National R U OK? Day, the perfect time to highlight our organisational value of Respect.

At CFA, we respect each other. We acknowledge each other’s ideas, opinions and contributions, welcome diversity, show empathy and understanding, and we respect the time of our people.

At its core, R U OK? Day is focussed on suicide prevention. But its messages about “connection” are relevant to all of us. As people, we need to feel connected whether it be to our families, our communities and our workplace.

Having respect for each other - how we are feeling and picking up on signals that could indicate someone is not coping - is a sign of a caring and compassionate workplace and helps all of us feel connected.

We work in a high-pressure environment under often difficult and emotional situations.

As we head into fire season, I want to reiterate that we need to look out for each other. Ask your work colleagues and friends if they are doing okay.  And if you are not doing ok,pleaseuse one of the many resources available to help you through.

This includes the wonderful peer support program, which in itself is perfect example of respect. This program started as a grass roots movement amongst firefighters involved in Ash Wednesday who recognised the need for emotional and psychological support after a traumatic incident.

Peers are themselves CFA members who help other members and their families respond to traumatic events, as well as personal difficulties that a person may be struggling with.

The Members Assistance Program and Chaplaincy Program are two other support services available, while we also have a number of other well-being programs including those covering mental health.

Find out more about our welfare and support services

Author: Michael Wootten