Ramadan 2020 celebrations

Ramadan 2020 will be celebrated from the 24 April to the 24 May. Muslims observe Ramadan which is a month of fasting, prayer reflection and community. CFA celebrates and supports Ramadan alongside all of its members.


Sheik Sulaiman - Noble Park Fire Brigade

We spoke to two CFA members who will be fasting through Ramadan.

Asim Siddiqui is a volunteer firefighter at Epping Fire Brigade. He joined in July 2013. Asim said he joined CFA for two distinct reasons.

“When Black Saturday hit, I was living in South Morang at the time and I remember the sky turning red and the intense heat. I woke up one morning and saw my car covered in a fine layer of ash and the severity of the fires really hit home.

“I had registered to volunteer in the aftermath but moved to an MFB area shortly afterwards so was unable to.

“The second reason was that not long after moving, I came across a car accident and didn’t have the knowledge or knowhow to help the people involved, so that really motivated me to want to get involved.”

Asim Siddiqui - Epping Fire Brigade

When Asim moved to a new house, he specifically chose Epping so he could volunteer with CFA.  Coincidentally Epping brigade was also a rescue brigade.

Asim was the only Muslim member at his brigade for quite some time, so he was the only member taking part in Ramadan each year.

“It can be challenging sometimes when turning out while fasting given we don't eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset.

“I remember once when I was fasting we got called to a grass and scrub fire and I had to drag a charged line up a steep hill, then manoeuvre the line on the rough and patchy terrain while attacking the fire, and then drag the line back down once done. It was quite exhausting on any account - even more so when fasting.

“In the end, it's a matter of finding the right balance between civic duty and spirituality during this particular month and in the worst case if I need to break my fast due to exceptional circumstances I have an allowance for that.”

Asim’s faith was one of the reasons he joined CFA and he said it definitely helps him in his role.

“Helping others, be it friends, family, neighbours or even strangers is a core part of our faith. This aspect is heightened even more during Ramadan as we're encouraged to better ourselves.

“Protecting life and property is an intrinsic part of my faith, just as much as it is a part of the CFA core values and it's an aspect that I'm happy to fulfil in my capacity as a firefighter.”

Asim fasts during Ramadan each year, however this year is going to be quite different.

“With Ramadan, normally we fast throughout the day then break our fast with family and friends in the evenings. We would normally invite people over to break our fast. Given the current circumstances it’s going to be more of a solo affair.

Sheik Sulaiman - Noble Park Fire Brigade

Sheik Sulaiman is a volunteer firefighter and joined Noble Park Fire Brigade in April 2016.

“I was born in Sri Lanka and came to Australia as a refugee. I joined CFA because I wanted to give back to this country because it saved my life.

“Volunteering for CFA for over four years has allowed me to become part of the community. I have made many friends in the brigade and love volunteering.”

Sheik normally celebrates Ramadan by visiting mosques, but this year will be very different.

“I usually visit mosques, they have community gatherings to pray, celebrate and break our fast. Sometimes I attend these with CFA, as they are always invited. However due to the physical distancing rules I won’t be able to.

“Noble Park's mosque has a Facebook account and they are posting their speeches and prayers so I'm able to connect online. It will be a very different way to celebrate.”

This Ramadan will be Sheik’s fourth celebration since joining CFA.

“Ramadan doesn’t usually affect my ability to volunteer. I still turn out when I can and attend training when required. Of course this year is different as there won’t be any physical training or events due to coronavirus.

“There are other Muslims in the brigade who normally celebrate Ramadan with me, which is always nice.

Author: CFA News