Seafood BBQ and community engagement success

Tarwin Lower brigade recently held a successful community engagement evening at Venus Bay that included a seafood BBQ.

Captain Mick Moore wanted to try something different to attract residents and visitors to an information evening at Venus Bay Community Centre.

The brigade put on a delicious seafood BBQ with the help of the local community and Mick discussed cleaning up your blocks and ensuring that all emergency service vehicles can identify and access your property if they are needed. 

Mick also encouraged residents and visitors to have a fire plan and consider where you would go, how you would get there and what your trigger would be in the event of a fire. This was followed by an open floor question time to approximately 60 attendees that went for half an hour.

CERT and the local Lifesaving Club also attended and are discussing holding a joint session in the future.

Mick and other CFA representatives will be holding further sessions on Friday 1 January at Walkerville Fire Station and at Venus Bay Fire Station on 9 January. Both commence at 6.30pm.

Author: Jodi Butler