Smoke Alarm installation program heads to the hills

Member News image One of the remote areas we installed alarms - Gelantipy Hills


From Buchan to Butchers Ridge, W-tree, Gelantipy and beyond, CFA members headed to Buchan and surrounds with the


As part of CFA's Smoke Alarm Installation Program., the team installed more than 30 smoke alarms in 17 homes over two days.
Residents were also given a fire blanket for their kitchen and given home fire safety tips during the visits.
While on the road it was recognised that many houses didn't have a roadside numbering system for their properties, which made it quite difficult trying to locate them.
As a follow-up to this, we will work on a property roadside numbering system for some parts of the community to help emergency services easily locate residents when there's an emergency.


  • Member News imageCFA members Allan Cracknell, and John Upton, with W-Tree resident Suzanne.
  • Member News image Lot's of wildlife to see on the road
  • Member News image W-Tree resident Glen, with CFA member Peter Ryan and Allan Cracknell
  • Member News image Our most remote installation, an original farm house in Gelantipy
Submitted by Jodie Burt