South East Region Community Engagement Forum 2022

Member News image Ava Boxshall delivers postcards offering the smoke alarm install service to residents in the Yallourn North area, Ava is the daughter of 3rd LT Hayley King Yallourn North Fire Brigade


Over the weekend of 17-19 June more than 50 CFA volunteers from South East Region attend the Community Engagement Forum hosted by the Community Safety team from the south-east.


Not only was the intent of the weekend to refresh, reset and revitalise community engagement with brigades after COVID-19 restrictions, but it was also the key launch event for the smoke alarm installation program. 

The members were given a presentation about this great program and they also completed the elearning training package while at the forum. Brigade members were issued with a smoke alarm installation kit to use when they incorporate the program into their community engagement plans.

The two members who attended from Yallourn North Fire Brigade have already adopted the program and have used a brigade training night to train members on how to use the program and discuss risk assessments, home visit policy and how to report their activities on service delivery. 

The brigade started planning to target specific homes in their area based on risk considering low socio-economic areas, and isolated and vulnerable members of the community. 

The brigade has since completed a targeted letter box drop to an area within the town and they will continue to expand their drops as the brigade capacity builds and the community embraces the program.

Plans are also underway to approach local senior citizens clubs to promote the program.

The brigade has also purchased a ladder and extra vests to support delivery of the program and are keen to see it grow within their community and CFA.

Historically the brigade has purchased and installed smoke alarm batteries and new smoke alarms in homes, and this program will complement this great work and reduce the need to return to the homes because the program provides smoke alarms with 10-year lithium batteries. 


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Submitted by Jodie Burt