State Control Centre welcomes public sector

Yesterday, as part of the Public Sector Week, EMV together with CFA, MFB, SES and DELWP organised two State Control Centre (SCC) Tours to show the workings of the centre and how the emergency services manage emergency incidents.

The State Control Centre is an important base that is run by Emergency Management Victoria (EMV). The centre is instrumental in working together with many emergency services to coordinate, lead and organise initiatives whilst supporting all communities.

Both sessions were very popular with people from various organisations ranging from the Department of Education, to Victoria Police and EPA (Environmental Protection Authority).

Each session started with presentations. Steve Riley from EMV kicked off the session with a summary of the SCC workings and each agency’s usage.

Other speakers included Reegan Key from EMV and Doster Mitchell from DELWP who talked about public information; how the unit collects vital information during emergencies and in turn informs the community.

Meg Rayner (MFB), Erin Bulmer (CFA) and Stefan Delatovic (SES) then each spoke about community safety campaigns and the importance of community engagement. A chief topic was emphasising the shared responsibility between the community and the agencies in planning and preparing for as well as responding to emergencies. 

Andrew Bennett concluded the presentations with an insightful view on planned burning and the specific role of DELWP.

The audience was then split up into small groups and taken on a guided tour of the sections within the SCC in order to see for themselves the work that is accomplished.

The tour was successful, ending with highly anticipated show-bags and a thorough understanding of the works within the centre.

If you are interested in receiving information about any future events at the State Control Centre please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Author: CFA Partnerships and Marketing