Taradale Juniors visit Campaspe Downs

On Saturday 2 July, Taradale Juniors escaped the election day blues and spent the day at PGL Campaspe Downs, near Kyneton, having fun and encouraging each other to try something new.  

The team participated in activities such as the Giant Swing, Flying Fox, Low Ropes Course and Archery. 

Spending time together, working as a team, being encouraging and supportive of each other was the aim of the day. “To have our young members participate in activities that take them just a little bit outside their comfort zone and having a great deal of fun in the process is what it was all about”, said Taradale Captain Schomacker. “At training the following day there was a definite improvement in the way the juniors worked together, despite the wet miserable weather.”

It’s important for us to ensure that our young recruits experience a broad range of activities thereby breaking up the potential monotony of repetitive training activities. Thank you to three of our junior leaders, (Leanne Schomacker, Adam Paine and Lachlan Elliott) for giving up their Saturday to allow this activity to proceed. Also a special thanks to the team at PGL Campaspe Downs who were extremely accommodating and professional. We certainly recommend their facilities should other brigades want to organise something different for either their juniors, or indeed seniors, for whom a program can be designed to achieve a predetermined goal.


Robert Schomacker

Taradale Captain

Author: District 2 News