Taradale trivia night

On a lovely Saturday night in May Taradale Fire Brigade was warming up for their trivia night. There was lots of expectations and excitement as people streamed through the doors at Taradale Hall with their heads full of knowledge.

Members from Elphinstone and Metcalfe Brigades were keen to prove who were the intellects in Metcalfe Group but they also had to battle with two tables from District 2 and local community members.

The quizards kept the participants guessing with tricky questions, a few clues and you could even buy a couple of answers if desperate. The Brigade were grateful to have a host of gifts donated as raffle prizes or items to be auctioned off, who knew a fish could be such a hotly contested item!

After a glorious meal and a few more rounds of questions a winner was crowned.  There was a bit of strutting around the District office the next day, winners are ginners!

Captain Robert Schomacker was delighted at how successful the night had been and thanked his team for organising the event, writing the questions, organising publicity and even helping with the catering.  An extra big thumbs up to Jane and Laima for being great quizards and keeping the hordes under control as trivia nights can be very competitive.

Everyone had a great night and were lining up to say, “When’s the next one?”

Author: District 2 News