Terry’s touch creates life-like scale model tanker

If he’s not careful, Hurstbridge 1st Lieutenant Terry Bassett, could have a new job on his hands – as the creator of model fire trucks.

With his nimble fingers, Terry has created a 1/47 scale model of a light tanker. That’s a total length of 15cm.

The model was presented to Moorabbin company and a volunteer employer, Appselec, as a thank-you for their donation towards the purchase of the brigade’s light tanker under the VESP grant program.

“We wanted to give them something back in recognition of their support,” said Terry.

The model chassis was donated by Isuzu Australia and built to scale by Terry over about a year, with “a lot being done over summer between fire calls”.

“The back was made from modelling plastic, using the light tanker plans and photos of the light tanker,” Terry said.

“I tried to make the tanker as accurate as possible.  The decals were the hardest part, as it was initially difficult to print them on clear decal paper.”

Terry said he would consider building more models in the future.

“It would be easier second time around,” he added.

Author: CFA News